The Extraverted Senser excels at living in the moment, and enjoying that moment. They are the ultimate realists, and enjoy nothing better than being swathed in the concrete, sensory wonders of the world around them. They are easy-going, and happiest when they can accept everyone and everything that happens.
Extraverted Sensors experience life as one sensation after another, so in some degree are at the mercy of their need for new sensations. In extreme cases, when an auxiliary decision-making process is not developed, an ES can become a slave to pleasure, and degenerate into jumping from experience to experience, always seeking the strongest sensation, with no moral compass.
Because an ES's perception is extraverted, it is objective. Because it is sensing, it is concrete. Therefore the ES has a more real, practical understanding of the world around them than any other type. They appreciate elegance and are masters of knowing what looks good, and excel in careers that require the practical application of their good taste and discernment.
An ES is often astonishingly well-adjusted to reality. They dress well, have refined tastes and an aesthetic appreciation for the world around them. Their love interests will always include a physical component. They care about the way their partners look, the way they dress, the way they appear in general. They also care about the quality of their sexual relationships, and are themselves likely to bring a warm, enthusiastic and skilled sexuality to the table.
Extraverted Sensers are fun, enthusiastic, and genuinely interested in people, and therefore amongst the most popular of the types. They are the most likely of the types to be able to walk into any room and be at ease, knowing how to fit in. They will not lack for friends or fun things to do, and if they have a strong auxiliary decision-making function, they will complement their charm with a moral compass that will guide them away from seeking sensations for the sake of sensation.
Once something has been experienced by an ES, it is over and done, and they hold little curiosity for extending the experience or applying meaning to it, unless doing so will bring about another sensation, or enhance the one they just had. One would think that this tendency to move on quickly would cause an ES to cycle through relationships and partnerships, but this only happens in a minority of cases. Most Extraverted Sensers form long-term, committed partnerships, and have friends of long-standing. Perhaps their concrete knowledge of the world around them gifts the ES with a practical understanding of the benefits to life quality that strong relationships bring.
Jung's Extraverted Sensing type was divided into two MBTI types by Isabel Briggs Myers:
ESFP - the Performer, and ESTP - the Doer.
Check out the other Jungian types