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Careers for ENTP Personality Types

By Brenda Ellis,

Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a not-so-young adult trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to understand yourself and the personality traits that will impact your likeliness to succeed or fail at various careers. It's equally important to understand what is really important to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent position to pick a career that you will find rewarding.

The following traits are generally found in ENTPs:

  1. Interested in people
  2. Project-oriented
  3. Enjoy generating ideas and theories
  4. Creative and ingenius
  5. Bright and capable
  6. Flexible and Diverse
  7. Excellent communication skills
  8. Enjoy debating issues with other people
  9. Excellent people skills
  10. Natural leaders, but do not like to control people
  11. Resist being controlled by others
  12. Lively and energetic; able to motivate others
  13. Highly value knowledge and competence
  14. Logical, rational thinkers
  15. Able to grasp difficult concepts and theories
  16. Enjoy solving difficult problems
  17. Dislike confining schedules and environments
  18. Dislike routine, detailed tasks

ENTPs are fortunate to have a wide range of capabilities. They are generally good at anything that has captured their interest. ENTPs are likely to be successful in many different careers. Since they have a lot of options open to them, ENTPs will do well to choose professions that allow them a lot of personal freedom where they can use their creativity to generate new ideas and solve problems. They will not be completely happy in positions that are regimented or confining.

The following list of professions is built on our impression of careers that would be especially suitable for an ENTP. It is meant to be a starting place, rather than an exhaustive list. There are no guarantees that any or all of the careers listed here would be appropriate for you, or that your best career match is among those listed here.


Possible Careers Paths for ENTP

   Sales Rep
   Marketing Rep
   Computer Programmer
   Systems Analyst